MIDSL and ACD Elektronik at IntraLogistex 2018
M.I.Data Solutions Ltd exhibited at IntraLogisteX 2018 which took place at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry at the end of February.
Getting your message heard is a challenge. Since being appointed UK-Reseller for ACD Gruppe at the end of 2016, we have worked hard to develop our message and being able to show your products and present the message to the customer, face to face, is the best way to get that message across. IntraLogisteX is dedicated to the logistics and supply chain sector and entry is restricted to their buyers and decision makers and it was the right event at which to make our debut. The logistics and supply chain sector is a growing and important market and productivity and efficiency are vital elements to secure that growth.

Thanks to the planning and hard work put in by our Commercial Manager, Jonathan Dawson (pictured far right with the rest of the team), and the support of our colleagues from ACD Gruppe we had a very successful show. Over the two days many who visited our stand showed real interest in the range of ACD handheld and vehicle-mount terminals we had on display and the MAX Mobile Workstations. Since the show we have been fully occupied following up all the leads we made there and converting those leads into users of ACD products.