The Cost of Time Spent
When operatives are busy in the warehouse, do you ever stop to think, “Could the time they spend walking to and from the fixed IT station to key punch data and fetch labels etc be better used?” Time is money, after all.
The answer is “yes” and the “how” is to mobilise the IT tools on a mobile workstation that the operative simply wheels to the job.
Studies have shown one operative saving 10 minutes per man-hour by not walking can save over 330 man-hours a year. 330 valuable man-hours that can be better used.
Mobilise the IT tools on a mobile workstation and improve productivity.
Cost Justification aka “ROI”
Multiply 330 (man-hours) by £/$/€25 (notional hourly overhead) and, for this example, that is what one operative walking is costing you.
Mobilise the IT tools on a mobile workstation and the ROI will be typically under a year.
Can you afford not to seriously consider it?
For information on our range of mobile workstations visit www.midsl.co.uk or contact M.I.Data Solutions Ltd for more details.